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The e-mails are resent every 24 hours with the same link ID from the previous day. So if you clicked on ABCDEF's PTP E-mail #1 yesterday, you MUST wait 24 hours to reclick it in today's e-mail.

The ad links are resent as the same each day until the number of purchased clicks expires. It does not allow for new clicks within a 24 hour period as most ads are for paid to promote sites which only allow one click per IP address per 24 hour period.

This is not an error and does not need to be fixed.

Here is an example:

ABCDEF's PTP E-mail #1 is sent at 1am on Tuesday. You click the link(s) in that e-mail at 8am on Tuesday. This action credits your account and locks the ad for 24 hours. The e-mail is resent on Wednesday at 1am with the same links. You must wait until after 8am to click them again.

This prevents people from clicking on the same link with less than 24 hours between clicks. With Paid to Promote links, multiple clicks from the same IP address result in invalid clicks at the Paid to Promote site.

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2017-07-08 15:54:00
Views: 2211
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (60)

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