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Available Upgrades


When you upgrade your free membership to a Toronto membership, you will receive the following benefits monthly:

  • **30 Day Banner Impressions**(x1)
  • **Point PTC - 250 Clicks** (x1)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 250 Clicks (0.025)**(x2)
  • **Cash Email - 250 Clicks (0.025)**(x1)

Toronto membership is available on a yearly basis for 275,000 points. It cannot be purchased, you may redeem for it HERE.



When you upgrade your free membership to a Vancouver membership, you will receive the following benefits monthly:

  • 2x Free Referral - Your referral url will be randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
  • Access to Paid To Promote
  • **1000 Featured Banner Impressions** (x3)
  • **Cash Email - 250 Clicks (0.025)** (x2)
  • **100 Treasure PTC - 10 Point** (x2)
  • ** Hangman PTC - 50** (x1)
  • **1000 Banner Impressions** (x2)
  • *Point PTC - 500 Clicks* (x1)
  • **Cash PTC - 500 Clicks (.025)** (x2)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 500 Clicks (0.025)**
  • **250 Clicks In Celebrity Room** (x1)

Vancouver membership is:
$6.00 for a 6 Month Membership / $12.00 for a 1 Year Membership



When you upgrade your free membership to a Edmonton membership, you will receive the following benefits monthly:

  • 3x Free Referral - Your referral url will be randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
  • Access to Paid To Promote
  • **1000 Featured Banner Impressions** (x2)
  • **Cash Email - 250 Clicks (0.025)** (x2)
  • **100 Treasure PTC - 10 Point** (x2)
  • **Hangman - 50 Clicks** (x1)
  • **10000 Banner Impressions** (x3)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 500 Clicks (1/10)** (x1)
  • **Cash PTC - 250 Clicks (.025)** (x1)
  • **Cash PTC - 500 Clicks (.035)** (x2)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 250 Clicks (0.025)** (x1)
  • **500 Tier 1&2 Emails (0.04)** (x2)
  • **Point PTC - 250 Clicks** (x2)

Edmonton membership is:
$9.00 for a 6 Month Membership / $17.00 for a 1 Year Membership


When you upgrade your free membership to a Montreal membership, you will receive the following benefits monthly:

  • 4x Free Referral - Your referral url will be randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
  • Access to Paid To Promote
  • **Cash Email - 500 Clicks (0.04)** (x3)
  • **Cash Email - 1000 Clicks (0.025)** (x2)
  • **Hangman - 100 Clicks (x1)**
  • **Cash PTC - 1000 Clicks (.025)** (x3)
  • **Cash PTC - 500 Clicks (.035)** (x2)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 500 Clicks (0.025)** (x1)
  • **5000 PTP Rotator Views** (x2)
  • **750 Clicks In Celebrity Room** (x2)
  • *Point PTC - 1000 Clicks* (x2)
  • **10000 Featured Banner Impressions** (x3)
  • **Contest PTC - 250 Clicks** (x3)
  • plus assorted WEEKLY BONUS ADS

Montreal membership is:
$12.99 for a 6 Month Membership/ $23.00 for a 1 Year Membership


When you upgrade your free membership to a Shareholder membership, you will receive the following benefits monthly:

  • 5x Free Referral - Your referral url will be randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
  • Access to Shareholder and Upgraded Paid To Promote
  • **10000 PTP Rotator Views** (x2)
  • **Cash PTC - 250 Clicks (1/4)** (x1)
  • **1000 Tier 1&2 Emails (0.04)** (x1)
  • **250 Tier 1&2 Emails (0.025)** (x2)
  • **30 Days In Celebrity Room** (x1)
  • **Point PTC - 500 Clicks** (x2)
  • **30 Day Banner Impressions** (x3)
  • **10000 Banner Impressions** (x5)
  • **5000 Featured Banner Impressions** (x2)
  • **Cash Email - 100 Clicks (1/10)** (x2)
  • **Tier 1 & 2 PTC - 100 Clicks (1/10)** (x2)
  • **Cash PTC - 100 Clicks (1/4)** (x2)
  • plus assorted WEEKLY BONUS ADS

Shareholder membership is:
$40.00 for a 1 year Membership / $130.00 for Lifetime

Please pay for your upgraded membership first. Once your account is upgraded, you may submit your ads through the menu link.

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